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How Long Does it take to Prepare for the CA Foundation Exams?

by Shopify API 11 Aug 2020

Chartered Accountancy course is the most presumed course in the trade field. Also, the excursion to turning into a fruitful Chartered Accountant begins from the CA Foundation Examination. The excursion isn't simple, however, it certainly is a compensating one. Ideally, it will take you around four months to prepare for the CA Foundation exams. Further, to utilize your time efficiently and not to extend it more than 4 months of preparation, required explanations and techniques are explained in this article regarding the CA foundation exams.

Table of Contents:-
1. What is CA Foundation?
2. Qualification Criteria for CA Foundation Online Registration
3. Techniques to Utilize Your Time Effectively While Preparing for CA Foundation Exams
a) Plan your examination
b) Comprehend things well as opposed to learning
c) Start with the point which alarms you most
d) Ace the Calculator
e) Set up your own CA Foundation notes and don't depend on such a large number of sources
f) Practice mock test papers and past year papers

What is the CA Foundation? 

CA Foundation is a passage level test for the CA course which has supplanted the past section level Common Proficiency Test (CPT). It is a mix of both Subjective and Objective test, that is a standard in trouble as the later trial of CA Course.

Qualification Criteria for CA Foundation online registration

To apply for CA Foundation registration one is required to satisfy some qualification rules that have been pre-dictated by the ICAI. To enlist for the CA Foundation course the applicants must have finished tenth and twelfth level qualifying assessment is done by any perceived assessment board in India and ought to have enrolled before the necessary data according to the directions that are given on the ICAI site. Besides, one can only show up in CA Foundation registration if one has finished a bachelor's or master’s degree in commerce with a minimum of 55% score or finished bachelor or master's degree in a stream other than trade with a minimum 60% score.

A Brief Pattern of CA Foundation Syllabus 



Area A: Business Laws (60 Marks)

Area B: Business Correspondence and Reporting (40 Marks)

Part – I: Communication

 II Part: Sentence Types and Word Power

Part – III: Comprehension Passages and Note Making

IV Part: Developing Writing Skills


Area A: Business Mathematics (40 Marks)

B: Logical Reasoning (20 Marks)

C: Statistics (40 Marks)


Area A: Business Economics (60 Marks)

Area B: Business and Commercial Knowledge (40 Marks)

ALSO READ: How to Choose the Best Institute for CA Preparation in India?

Alongside these, the competitors are additionally required to keep themselves refreshed with Financial and Business news.

CA establishment test is a disconnected test that is directed two times per year. You can show up in CA establishment assessment in both English and Hindi languages. Each paper conveys a limit of 100 marks and the timeframe permitted is 3 hours or 2 hours. Paper 1 and 2 are theory papers while papers 3 and 4 are objective papers. The objective question will have negative checking for wrong answers, 0.25 will be deducted for each off-base answer. The applicants are required to score at least 40% in each subject and a total of half in all papers to clear the CA establishment assessment. You can Book CA Point CA Foundation Study Material As it will help you to achieve greater success.

Techniques to utilize your time effectively while preparing for CA Foundation Exams

1. Plan your Examination

As a matter of first importance, the thing that you have to do is to design your investigations. You fundamentally have four subjects to cover with various points inside them. Start with what points you are going to cover in seven days at that point and restrain it to what themes you are going to cover in a day.

2. Comprehend things well as opposed to learning

CA Foundation doesn't test your learning limit, rather it tests how exhaustive you are with your subjects, so do whatever it takes not to simply mug up. The better you comprehend the idea the simpler it is for you to seek after CA.

3. Start with the point which alarms you most

This is the most widely recognized guidance given to CA understudies. Since the greater part of the applicants is from a trade foundation, they will be knowledgeable with a portion of the subjects. Getting a charge out of this bit of leeway they disregard the subjects they are bad at, so leave your preferred known points for some other time, and start with your most dreaded topics. Thus you will be ready to finish your whole prospectus.

4. Ace the Calculator 

Gone are where you needed to rely on your fingers to get your records adjusted, ICAI permits you to carry adding machines to facilitate your agony and spare your time. Acing the number cruncher spares a ton of time. Be acquainted with M+, M-, G catches. These can spare you valuable time in the test.

5. Set up your own CA Foundation notes and don't depend on such a large number of sources

ICAI gives materials to you to examine. In the event that you are not happy with them, allude to your instructor's CA Foundation Exams note however don't depend on more than one educator, it will just confound you more.

6. Practice Mock Test Papers and Past Year Papers

CA Foundation online available papers will give you a thought about where you are missing and how to deal with your time during the assessment. You can also get them from various CA foundation online coaching. If you are preparing through CA foundation online classes, they must give you access to such papers. This will be of tremendous assistance when you will really be showing up for the test.

CA Foundation is only a venturing stone for a long excursion ahead, try sincerely and break it with a great score!

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