November gross GST collection at Rs 1,31,526 crore, 2nd highest ever
The total GST revenue accrued in November was 1,31,526 rupees. This was an increase from Rs 1.30 crore collected in October.
Of these, CGST includes 23,978 rupees, 31,127 rupees, IGST 66,815 rupees (including 32,165 rupees on imports) and 9,606 rupees on taxes (including 635 rupees on import goods).
November marked the second consecutive month that total GST collections exceeded Rs 1.30 billion.
November revenues are the second highest since taxes were levied on goods and services. The highest income since the tax in April this year (more than 1.41 lakh crore).
"GST sales for November 2021 was the second record since GST was launched after April 2021, based on year-end sales, beating previous months' indentation, which also includes the impact of required revenue.
The government said the complexes broadly followed the general trend of economic recovery.